I was really pleased to go and see the private view of my work in the beautiful Edward Johnston exhibition at Ditchling. It happened in the evening so these photos are a bit dingy but I was really pleased to see my hangings beautifully displayed and back-lit so they glowed. What a buzz! They'll be up until September. The Johnston exhibition is also lovely and I really liked the Bob and Roberta Smith. Well worth a visit .
Working on a wedding thing - it is so nice making floral pictures. I decided to cut out all the stems so I could play around and arrange them, which was a good idea, apart from when it came to sticking them down: turns out my fine motor skills might be a little lacking but I got there in the end.
I've made a print that you can play with, or stick on the wall. Not bad eh? And it only costs a fiver - I've put it up in the shop and on the website.
With just a pair of scissors you can turn this print in to . . .
suave sex appeal.
Twin your accessories with a winning smile and anybody will be putty in your hands. Seduce any man or woman. Nail that job interview. Watch as fame and success fall at your feet.
Oh jeez is that the time - I'm late for my award ceremony.
Something from the archive - a small collection of things found in a bible. Nice looking bits eh? I imagined there must me a beautiful blog dedicated to things found in books and I did find some but all a little dull/ugly and not ever updated. Makes me wonder - is the day of the blog over? Or am I jut out of touch? I can remember endlessly stumbling across beautiful and weirdly niche websites: cataloguing, documenting and appreciating all sorts of minutiae. What happened to that beautiful level of internet geekery? Maybe we're all too busy documenting our own navels over on Intagram. Can anyone point me in the direction of a nice website to cheer me up?
Very fine friend Jess (Jessica Jane Charleston for long) is drawing me for an upcoming exhibition in Wivenhoe, how nice. All I do is sit still. And it's dead nice to see how someone else works and ogle her nicest pencils and stuff. I'll keep you updated on the outcome.