Something from the archive - a small collection of things found in a bible. Nice looking bits eh? I imagined there must me a beautiful blog dedicated to things found in books and I did find some but all a little dull/ugly and not ever updated. Makes me wonder - is the day of the blog over? Or am I jut out of touch? I can remember endlessly stumbling across beautiful and weirdly niche websites: cataloguing, documenting and appreciating all sorts of minutiae. What happened to that beautiful level of internet geekery? Maybe we're all too busy documenting our own navels over on Intagram. Can anyone point me in the direction of a nice website to cheer me up?


I like this one - full of obscure tools and utensils.
Oh nice! That's a brilliant one - good for an explore
DeleteOh Yes - I miss scruffy individual blogs so much, lots seemed to get to a point where they wanted to look like a glossy magazine and that's where i lose interest. Everyone's hanging out on F, T, I and P, I think, all those generic mass sites pinning quirky things they found but since everyone is at it they all look the same. Bah humbug. But yours is the best blog so you could google yourself....or kittens, or watch David Bowie interviews on You Tube, he had such a great sense of humour - much more fun that all that cutting edge design, yawn....
ReplyDeleteI am watching David Bowie interviews now - thank you! Yeah the glossy magazine ones can get a bit samey: which is a convenient excuse to be lazy with web design. Hooray!
DeleteI've always loved this one...
ReplyDeleteThat is a really nice one. Followed
Deletehey Jo, thought you might like the work of my friend from Cornwall, now living in America. She's an artist who loves little objects and also post and letters. She has a young son and has documented all the things she's found him putting in his mouth... a taste of things to come...? Best, Ros
Nice work! I think I'd seen some before actually, really clever and succinct. You have good friends.