Marthe Armitage

I recently stumbled across the wallpapers of Marthe Armitage - aren't they beautiful?
You can read a brilliant write-up of her work here.

Hannah De Bruyn

My Jack very cleverly bought my engagement ring from Hannah De Bruyn. A few people have asked me about who made it so here's a link to her website - and also a selection of other things I'd like bought for me . . . just so you know.

Sea silk

Have you heard of sea silk?
I hadn't either, but now I can't get it out of my head. It is a very rare silk made from clam saliva . . . so that's pretty magic. There's only one woman in the world left who makes it, you should read this very beautiful article about her.
But whilst you're still will you just admire these beautiful sea silk cuff - the shape! Like they grew under the sea.
Yes please.

Amos Ferguson

Found a stash of beautiful work by Amos Ferguson at Galerie Bonheur: can't quite get over them, so incredible.
I've selected a few favourites

Inuit stone prints

Sometimes I find cutting lino a bit of a ball-ache: it can be dead demoralising when you take a big accidental slice out of a bit of work . . . or your finger. So I'm completely in awe of these inuit stone cuts: jeeps!
I love their simplicity too. Sometimes it's very tempting to make complex showy-offy work but the simplicity of relief prints and the lines they allow you to make can be incredibly beautiful

What did you do over the summer holidays?

It's September, imagine that. I hope you had a nice break/some nice trips.
We went to see the tour - the finale in Paris, it was pretty magic.
There was a chicken proudly displaying chickeny foodstuffs . . .
And a man driving a madeleine
I invested in a few high quality souvenirs. (My facial colour is owed to getting a bit of a tan for a week then standing in the rain for 4-5 hours: a nice reddy brown.)
And finnaly we got to watch bike people whizz by for almost seconds at a time.
Very good. I would recommend.

Greenlandic beading

I've got an itch to travel, which led me on an internet adventure (travelling in your mind is sometimes as good as a genuine visit right?).
I didn't know there were beaded elements to traditional dress in Greenland. Isn't it a lovely thing? Here are some of my best bits.

p.s. in my travels I came across this page which seems to be some kind of Greenland Free-Ads, including amazing traditional costume, rottweilers, rifle and large cd collection.