Shed fixtures and fittings.

I'm at my folks'. And it's nice to have outside space, even if it is freezing. I've been digging around, shifting boxes from place to place, getting a red nose. Also had to do a good clear out of my car in time for it's service, turns out I had two bottles of emergency ketchup in there: you never do know when chips might happen. 
Anyway, I like busy gardens in winter: they're scraped back to just the basic workings, the handsome weathered wood and canes and tools. All lovely and utilitarian with none of them showy flowers making a mess. Here are some photos of splendid shabby shedness. (you might remember these particular sheds from Five Sheds).
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When you go into the veg garden there's a big ball-bearing to hold the gate open - it's made itself two little hollows in the mud: one for holding the gate open, one for letting it close and you plop it between the two with your boot. What a nice simple thing!
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Door held shut with a broken fork . . . upcycling.
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Nice colours.
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After this shed slumped it had to have a new latch fitted.
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A handy poking place.
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Improvisation with a twig.
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Nice poly-tunnel wires, all hung up and waiting.
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Plenty of forks. 
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The crow scarer pinned to the ceiling with a screw right through it's heart. A revenge killing maybe?
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And a splendid welly stand made of two bamboo poles.
There you go. This blog got a nice mention from Oh Comely magazine today! So that's good - hello to anyone that came from there.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shoot! I deleted the first comment somehow. :(.
    What I wanted to say was how much I love this post. The upcycled fork is my favorite, and you've done a brilliant job of finding inspiration among winter's drudge.

  3. I hate it when that happens, but I got it in my inbox! Thank you, for both. I'm also quite good at succumbing to winter's drudge, rest assured.
    Big shot photography partner sounds good, post us a link if you want.

  4. I like that the ball bearing has a place to sit when he's on and off duty. I also think that one shed per garden is not enough so a garden of 5 sheds is very pleasing.

  5. This post just makes me smile, I like all those improvisations I think.

  6. I want to gallop around with those rubber boots horses. Brings back childhood memories ^_^
    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Ahh! I didn't think of them as horses - you've kept your imagination well preserved Joan!
    I think 5 sheds is enough - they're all orphan sheds as well, rescued when people have gone for upgrades. Improvisation all round.

  8. Ahhh, this is all very satisfying. Beautiful textures.

  9. OOh glad the recommendations worked! x

  10. Yes! Thank you Tanner, you're a dream. X

  11. lovely place must be!
    i like the ball-stop in first picture!

    and you are right, chip happens :D

