A quick exercise in childbirth

Anybody out there done any hypnobirthing? I'm on the course at the mo and it's really brilliant.
Towards the end of your pregnancy there's a picture you pin up to remind yourself the position the baby should be in. Last night I decided to make my own version of the picture, which was a really nice exercise: trying to make something somewhere between a diagram and an illustration.
It has the nice, peaceful feel I wanted - without being too soppy.
But - when I look at it this morning, I realise the body's a bit . . . nice. And I feel disappointed in myself, I didn't really think about it and as a result the boobs came out all perky and the arms all toned and the bum all round. Honestly - what a yawn-fest. I think I need to get to some life drawing classes, it's amazing how much you can internalise all the 'ideal body' stuff without even realising.


  1. Goodness Jo are you up the duff? did I miss some news? If so big congrats! - amazing what happens when you get a new kitten..

    1. Yes! And pre-kitten too. We're doing things backwards, how contrary. X

  2. Practising parenting on the kitten - that's clever, when are you due? just so we can pester you nearer the time and be really irritating!X

    1. April/May cusp. The kitten is very much baby practise - apart from she's a very bouncy baby with 20 tiny razor blades at her extremities.

