I had a nice time at the boot-fairs this weekend, despite nearly killing myself with tiredness. And here are the fruits of my labour.

Tum-tee-tum. I bought a snooker triangle, because I like it - it has 9 different joins and lives over my light switch now.

A very fine Welsh blanket.

A pair of figurines that have floppily hinged legs so they walk down slopes. I like the relationship between them - the dog hates the man with a simmering resentment that is building. The man is totally oblivious.

A lot of beautiful handknitted stuff this week, all from one lady.

She obviously just loved sitting and knitting, she also had another hobby: you've got until the end of this post to guess what it is.

A bag of old marbles - you can tell the really old ones because they're not actually very round, which I like.

I like this bracelet - I like the simplicity of the closing mechanism and that the beads are slightly wonky glass. If only they were strung on a grey piece of leather it would be perfect.

This necklace is perfect.

This fine pencil drawing has a beautiful quality to it. I put it on the table next to the weekends paper, then did a double-take.

Another tiny cup and saucer, I'll add it to the (tiny) pile.

A dirty great pottery pot that looks like it's wearing a nice Scandinavian jumper.

And whilst we're all spherical like . . .

A dandelion in resin.

And a bubble ball.

Then two little Swedish horses.

And a tiny ship in a bottle.

And I treated my own personal Pilea to this handsome pewter pot. So everyone was happy. Of to market tomorrow in spite of a bit of a sniffle, gravel in the throat, is anyone else out there suffering? Let's all put the heating on and watch rubbish telly in bed, hooray!
(And, you guessed correctly, the old lady's other hobby was of course:
smoking! Why must all the best knitters also smoke? It really drives me nuts.)