Some bits from the boot: first, lots of chandelier drops.

Which are handy for making rainbows on the floor.

Some folding pigeon crates, handsome things in themselves but they also make me think of people with elbow patches spending days cooing over pigeons in the North of England.

A fine terrarium for the collection.

A big bag of pegs that look like people.

Handsome, high-waisted 1940s trousers, never worn - still with the label.

A nose and an ear, always handy. I would recommend buying the nose for playing the game where you put it up close to someones bum then pull a face. Facile-fun.

A Victorian pin cushion with 'Home Sweet Home' written on it. I thought it might not be Victorian because it's such a naff saying that seems so modern but this is
not the case, you learn something new everyday.

There's a man at the car boot who is hilarious - it's a really busy boot fair and he obviously really loves the attention that brings him. He has stacks of boxes which he works through
so slowly. He'll go to unwrap one thing from the box then jump up and say something like 'Don't stand behind me!' to some bystander 'I feel all trapped in!'. Then he'll unwrap one other thing and jump up to glare at someone and say to the other people on his stall 'Keep an eye on that one, mind he don't put anything in his pockets!'. By this point there'll be quite a few people, waiting to see what they've got in the boxes. And if anyone, lays so much as one finger of any of the boxes he'll say 'NO GOING THROUGH THE BOXES!' and if you're unlucky 'RIGHT! THAT'S IT! I'M NOT GETTING ANYTHING ELSE OUT!'.