I have a small collection of watering can roses that I really rather love. They're all handsome metal ones of course - none of that green plastic muck. I thought I would take the opportunity today to parade them in front of you.

This is the biggest one - hello.

This one is slightly smaller but stands up of its own accord, which is rather good.

I like all their shapes and perforations, they have real character. This one is handsome in copper.

The slightest variations are nice in a collection. I always think of the effort that goes into manufacturing even the tiniest things: the constant tweaking and improving


And these teeny little one entered the brood this weekend - courtesy of my Mum.
So there you go. It's always good to have a hobby, even if it is collecting watering can roses.
In other news. I'm headed down to Devon tomorrow to play my guitar and sing songs in front of
a room full of people. What a strange thing to do - when I was asked it seemed so far in the future I just flippantly said I'd do it. But now the future is quickly becoming the present and I'm feeling a little bit completely unprepared. The Wolves, who organised it, are dead good - go look at their
I'll let you know how it goes.