The funny hat I mentioned in the Eva post is in fact . . . a circumcision hat. I've got two of them.

I bought them from Harvey the beautifully camp man on the market. Just to give you an idea of how camp here's a small example - I hold out a plate of cake to Harvey, he takes a small slice, I say "Come on Harvey you can take a big one" he jumps up all ruffled "How dare you! You naughty girl!" Then he glances from side to side and says " . . . but just for the record, yes I can" and off he wiggles into the market. He's also from Paris and says 'zee' instead of 'the', what a fine combination of characteristics.

Harvey sells African antiques and artefacts. These hats are from Mali, they're given to little boys who have just been circumcised - as a sign that they've been brave. The boys then go to the road and lay their flip-flops on the tarmac; passing motorists give them small change for being brave and the boys lift their flip-flops and let them pass. "But" Harvey says "Sometimes you 'ave to drive over zee flip-flops, because zay are chip-chopping like zere is no tomorrow!".

It was very good of Jack to agree to model them. What I like about them is the thick fabric they are made of, the stripes and the many possibilities of making shapes, maybe with a little alteration you could make a very wearable design that someone might actually put on to leave the house . . .

. . . and I won't tell them the back story if you won't.

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